Parish Connection 03/26/2021 and Holy Week Bulletins

From Vicar Care

Here’s a trick question for you all--when was Jesus resurrected?

“Vicar Care!” you may exclaim in your head.  “Of course, I know when Jesus was raised from the dead!  Easter Sunday!”

Ah, that is often the response I receive, but that is not actually true!  Our Scriptures tell us that on the dawn of Sunday morning, when the women came to care for Jesus’ body, they found the tomb already empty. 

At some point on Holy Saturday, hidden away from human eyes, the Holy Spirit breathed new life into our Savior Jesus the Christ.  The ultimate mystery of our faith, the resurrection of Jesus, did not happen in front of the disciple’s eyes.  Rather, as they rested on the sabbath day, God’s promise of salvation for all peoples was being accomplished in a tomb outside Jerusalem. 

The Easter Vigil is a worship service to celebrate this sacred mystery: that hidden and holy moment where Jesus’ heart began to beat again, his life-saving blood coursing through his veins once more.  The Easter Vigil begins with the lighting of the first fire of spring, as the light of Christ is sparked anew.  We carry the light into the church and continue with readings that remind us of God’s salvation working throughout history: Noah’s deliverance from the flood, the Israelite’s from the Egyptians, and Daniel’s from the furnace.  Then, in the silence, the lights of the church turn on, the Alleluias are proclaimed, and Easter truly begins.  We remember our baptism that carries with it the assurance of salvation, receive communion, and go out into the world with Easter joy in our hearts.

The TCLP will be having an Easter Vigil at St. Luke’s, Valatie on Saturday, April 3 at 6:30pm.  If you have never been to an Easter Vigil, don’t worry! The bulletin will have plenty of information about what is going on so you won’t feel lost.  If you have never been to an Easter Vigil, I strongly encourage you to come.  We will be having a bonfire to follow with COVID-safe snacks and drinks! There will be a photographer from the Times Union to document this event, so you may get your picture in the paper as well!

I love the Easter Vigil, because it is a unique and profound moment to celebrate the most holy and beautiful gift we receive as Christians: the resurrection promise.  It is humbling to hear of God’s work through history and consoling to remember that God’s salvation was accomplished for you.  Somehow, in the dark of night, Jesus was raised from the dead.  That is our promise, too, and we gather on the Easter Vigil to remind ourselves that God’s salvation includes us. 

In Christ’s Peace,

Vicar Care


News and Information


Please feel free to reach out to Pastor Sam ( or Pastor Beth ( should you have a pastoral care concern.  If you would like to reach both pastors at the same time, please email

-      If you have a congregational concern, please contact your council president. 

-      If you have a parish concern, please contact TCLP board president Harry Avery (   

-  If you have a Human Resources concern, contact Phyllis Keeler at or Jeannette Wilber at

To Join Zoom Meeting via Telephone for Worship

Use this Meeting ID: 252 943 5520

One tap mobile

+16465588656,,88996300296# US (New York)


Dial by your location:

        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)


        Meeting ID: 889 9630 0296


Lenten worship --- Bible Study --- Book Study


Mondays:           Bible Study 7 pm led by Pastor Beth

                                Zoom link:


Tuesdays:          Bible Study, 10 am led by Pastor Beth

                                Zoom link:


Wednesdays:       New Book Study beginning at 7 p.m.  on 4/7

               (Link to follow!)



This week’s Zoom broadcast will be from Trinity at 9 a.m.

with Pastor Beth George



Worship service videos can be found on YouTube:



Social Media Sharing


Hopefully, you now understand the difference between our Facebook group and page.  So, let’s look more closely at the page.  These are the public things that we really want you to share such as our worship services, special events, and other public information. 


Why is this an important step?  Because that is how we get the word out!  When you share a post from our page to your newsfeed, all your friends will be able to see it.  And when each Facebook user in the whole parish does it, that’s a lot of free advertising.  Even if you are going to worship in-person, please still share the zoom worship information.  We have been getting some visitors on zoom because of this.  It can be a first step to getting people to join us in person.


If you have questions or need more technical help, please just ask.  Let’s make the most of this free tool so others will know we are here.



The Parish Prayer Group is meeting the first and third Tuesdays at 4PM via Zoom.  If you would like to join, please contact Pastor Sam.


Also – Pastor Sam has been hearing some thoughts around to start an all-parish Sunday School (likely on Zoom, due to distance/Covid).   To make this happen we need volunteers to teach and lead.  Do you have a gift for teaching and like to work with kids?  Please let Pastor Sam know so we can try to get something started!


If you need food, necessities, masks, or help of any kind, please reach out to one of us.   We have plenty of resources available to us in our parish and we are excited to be God’s hands and feet for each other!


Opportunity to Help!!!  Columbia County Meals on Wheels program is looking for volunteers.   Most volunteers do one or two days a week.  Most routes take about an hour to an hour and a half at the most.  The volunteers do not enter the individual's home, they place the meal on a table or chair outside the door, knock, back up 6 feet and wait for the individual to answer the door.   Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer should contact Amy Anderson, Nutrition Program Coordinator @ 518-672-5323.    



Pr.  Sam’s MMC (Mutual Ministry Committee) 

Do you have any comments, questions, or constructive critiques concerning Pr.  Sam?  Perhaps you really enjoyed the way she did something, or perhaps you have a suggestion.   Your feedback is very much desired and appreciated.   You may either contact her directly, or if you wish to remain anonymous you may contact the MMC using this email distribution list:, which will automatically send an email to the entire team (except Pr.  Sam.)

OR you may contact individual members:

Anne Philipp (C) 518-610-1335

Karen Schubert (H) 518-731-1190


A Note from your Parish AdminSharon Smith

Send me your prayer additions, questions, Parish Connection updates, and anything else you may need to ask me to  Please submit for the bulletins and the Parish Connection as soon as possible, however by Monday, noon is preferred.

My hours are: 9 am - 3:45 pm.   My lunch time is 1pm -2 pm and I will not be available during this time.   You can, however, always leave a voicemail at: (518) 758-6526 or send an email to:

Should I have to leave the office for any reason, I will leave a note as to when I will be back.  Peace, Sharon


Book Study


The TCLP book study will be starting our next book April 7 at 7pm.  We are looking into the history of anti-Asian racism with Erika Lee's America for Americans: A History of Xenophobia in the United States.  If you are interested, please join us!" 


Bible Study


The Beatitudes have much to say about our lives as disciples of Christ.  Beginning in Lent we will explore the Beatitudes in depth.  I will be using the book "Blessed to Follow: The Beatitudes as a Compass for Discipleship" to guide us.  While it isn't necessary to have the book, some of you may like it to follow along.  Please let me know if you would like me to order one for you.  They are also available on Amazon, but at a higher price than direct from the publisher in a bulk order.


Bible study will be on Monday evening at 7pm by zoom and on Tuesday morning at 10am using this link:
Hope you can join us!

Congregation Announcements



In-person worship has returned! 


Check your congregation’s announcements.


 Contact – Leslie Dumont


In-person worship 8:30 a.m.


2021 Calendars... Devotional Booklets... Offering Envelopes...oh, my!!

They’re all here!  Stop in and get yours!



Leslie Dumont     Term Expires 2023     President

Olivia Dumont     Term Expires 2022     Vice President

Linda Frick          Term Expires 2022     Co-Treasurer

*Dick Frick                                         Co-Treasurer

*Chuck Albertson                                Secretary

Jennifer Dunn       Term Expires 2024

Shirley McThenia   Term Expires 2024

Pr. Sam                Ex Officio member

Pr. Beth                Ex Officio member


* Non-elected council member


Chair:                Harry Avery (Chair)

Primary:            Harry Avery

Alternate:          Chuck Albertson


 OUTREACH COMMITTEE (Joint committee with St. Luke’s)

Teresa Avery, Karen Albertson, Phyllis Keeler

WORSHIP COMMITTEE (Joint committee with St. Luke’s)

Phyllis Keeler


Karen Albertson

HUMAN RESOURCES (Parish Committee)

Chair:  Phyllis Keeler


Will be from St. Luke’s this year.


Contact --  Karen McIntyre

In-person worship 10:30 AM

Council Officers

Karen McIntyre -- President

Ken Schomaker -- Treasurer (not on council)

Sharon Smith – Secretary

Sharon Campbell is the new financial secretary (not on council)

TCLP Board Reps – Tim McGlauflin, Jon Strodl


Readers during Worship



Checks payable to St. Luke’s.

Please specify type of flowers and who it’s in memory/honor of.

The 2021 offering envelopes...we still got ‘em!  Find them in the narthex when you come to worship!

St. Luke’s 2021 Calendars...they’re still here too!  Also located in the narthex!

St. Luke’s is selling tag sale items by appointment only.  If interested, please contact Beegee Roppolo at 518-758-7045 or

518-320-6223; or Karen Lasher at 518-784-2032.


Contact -- Richard Fitzgerald 

In-person worship 11 AM

 TCLP Board Reps – Richard Fitzgerald, Joanne Lugert


Contact -- Gethen Proper


In-person worship 9 AM

TCLP Board Reps:  Tim Mercer, Bob O'Leary

The many outreach projects of Zion are made possible in large part by grants from Thrivent Financial.  Every Thrivent member is eligible to apply for 2 action team grants per year.   These are easy to apply for, and if you need help please ask Carrol Mercer Or Christine Wanek.   If you are not a Thrivent member, but would still like to help apply for a grant, you can become a Thrivent Associate Member.

Associate Membership is $19.95 and with that membership you are able to apply for a one-time Thrivent grant for $250.00 for our congregation’s outreach projects. 

Contact Thrivent either by Phone at 845-849-1267, or at

Five Loaves Project -- MEALS FOR THE HUNGRY AND THOSE IN NEED  Thursday’s @ 4:30 pm    


Contact – Jackie Menagh    518-256 2496 (cell)

In-person worship 11 a.m.

TCLP Board Rep – Jackie Menagh


A Big Thank You to all those who have been sending their Offerings in by mail or dropping them off at the church.   We really appreciate your faithfulness.   The work of the Church and God continues and in this time of crisis, is more important than ever. 

Contact – Jeanette Wilber    

In-person worship 9:30 a.m.



TCLP Board Reps – Jeanette Wilber, Patty Bervy

 Did you know there is a new way to send your offering?  We have an online donation portal!  Please visit our website at to get started! 


Contact – Charles Mayrer    518-479-3640 or


In-person worship 11 a.m.


 OUTREACH :  Alice Senrick

518-479-0819 or 518-852-1504   (not on council)

 TCLP Board Reps – Brian Schell, Charles Senrick

 St. Stephen's has a collection basket for non-perishable foods, that are given to the Anchor in Castleton, and Doors of Hope in Sand Lake, to help people in need.



Contact –Anne Philipp (C) 518-610-1335

                       Nicole Gardner (H) 518-336-4077 (C) 518-312-8603


In-person worship 9 a.m.

TCLP Board Reps -- Anne Philipp, Nichole Gardner 


The Castleton Girl Scouts are still collecting bottles and cans and will continue to collect them until July of 2022.  They can reach out to Nicole Gardner with questions or to make arrangements for pick up. She can be reached at 518-336-4077 (home) 518-312-8603 (text) or via email


Financial Secretary Needed       Wondering how you can help your church.   A Financial Secretary is needed.   Training is available.  if interested please see Rik Cosgrave or anyone on the council.   



What would you like to see in “The Parish Connection?” Drop a line to the TCLP office at

Parish Administrator OFFICE HOURS:  9 a.m.  to 3:45 p.m.  Monday through Friday.   Lunch is from 1-2 pm  Call any time!  

   If you have questions regarding the Tri County Lutheran Parish or for any other church issues or pastoral concerns, please call Sharon at 518-758-6526 or email her at: and she can help direct you to the right person!   



Tri-County Lutheran Parish, PO Box 158, Valatie, NY  12184  

Phone: (518) 758-6526

Pastor Samantha Perret (Parish) Phone – 518-229-4128   


Pastor Beth George (Parish) Phone – 717-364-4557


Pastor Dan Hahn, (Intern Supervisor) Phone – 518-281-8127


Vicar Carolyn Lawrence



TCLP Website: 




Devotions and Prayers for Holy Week- curated by Vicar Care


“It is not as a child that I believe and confess Jesus Christ. My hosanna is born of a furnace of doubt.” --Fyodor Dostoyevsky


“The patient and humble endurance of the cross – whatever nature it may be – is the highest work we have to do.”

-St. Katherine Drexel


A Prayer of John Wallace Suter

O Lord Jesus Christ,

Son of man,

you did not come to be served, but to serve.

Give us grace to lay aside all our vanity,

clothe us with your power,

and crown us with your humility,

that finally, in the glory of serving,

we may stand beside your throne,

where with the Father and the Holy Spirit

you reign, one God,

now and forever.



“I Listen to Your Agony, O God” A Poem by Georgia Harkness

I listen to Your agony, O God;

I who am fed,

Who never yet went hungry for a day.

I see the dead,

The children starved for lack of bread;

I see and try to pray.


I listen to Your agony, O God;

I who am warm,

Who never yet have lacked a sheltered home.

In dull alarm,

The dispossessed of hut and farm

Aimless and transient roam.


I listen to Your agony, O God;

I who am strong,

With health and love and laughter in my soul.

I see a throng

Of stunted children reared in wrong

And yearn to make them whole.


I listen to Your agony, O God;

But know full well

That not until I share their bitter cry,

Earth’s pain and hell,

Can You within my spirit dwell

To bring Your kingdom nigh.


Martin Luther on Prayer

Some say, “I would feel better about God hearing my prayer if I were more worthy and lived a better life.” I simply answer: If you don’t want to pray before you feel that you are worthy or qualified, then you will never pray again. Prayer must not be based on or depend on your personal worthiness or the quality of the prayer itself; rather, it must be based on the unchanging truth of God’s promise.  If the prayer is based on itself or on anything else besides God’s promise, then it’s a false prayer that deceives you—even if your heart is breaking with intense devotion and you are weeping drops of blood.

We pray because we are unworthy to pray.  Our prayers are heard precisely because we believe that we are unworthy.  We become worthy to pray when we risk everything on God’s faithfulness alone.

So go ahead and feel unworthy. But know in your heart that it’s a thousand times more important to honor God’s truthfulness. Yes, everything depends on this alone.  Don’t turn his faithful promise into a lie by your doubts. For your worthiness doesn’t help you, and neither does your unworthiness hinder you. A lack of faith is what condemns you, but confidence in God is what makes you worthy.


“Love does not “require” the cross, but de facto it ends up on the cross.”--Dorothee Soelle

““The theologian of glory is the one who says “Show me what you do and I will believe who you are.” The theologian of the Cross says: “I know who you are for I have seen you there in the midst of brokenness.””--Vitor Westhelle


From the Book of Common Prayer:

Almighty God,

your dear Son did not ascend to joy

until he first suffered pain,

and did not enter into glory

before he was crucified.

Mercifully grant that we,

walking in the way of the cross,

may find it as the true way

of life and peace;

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord.



Vicar Care’s Sermon on John 12:20-33

There was a little boy in my friend’s church, no more than five or six.  His parents were recently converted Christians, and they were attending as a family their first Good Friday service.  The pastor was reading the Passion of Christ according to the Gospel of John, and they reached the verse where Jesus drew his last breath.  The pastor paused, and in the silence this little boy began to sob loudly.  “JESUS DIES?!?” he exclaimed at the top of his lungs.  My friend tells me he was inconsolable, weeping as his parents carried him out of the sanctuary. 

That little boy was shocked by Good Friday, and I wish we all could feel that every year! Jesus’ death on the Cross is meant to be shocking, scandalous, surprising! It is a tragedy of Christian life in the 21st century that we already know how Jesus’ story ends. 

The folks today do not have our advantage of hearing this story a thousand times before.  We begin today with a request to see Jesus by some Greeks.  When Philip and Andrew approached the Lord, the response may not seem to actually be a reply to their question.  Instead of saying “sure, bring them in”, Jesus begins to preach about glory and grains of wheat. 

Jesus is clearly preoccupied with his death: “now my soul is troubled.” The Greek word for troubled is also used to describe water that is agitated from a storm.  The waves are crashing down on Jesus--by this point in the Gospel he is only a few days from his death.  He is deeply troubled, yet he continues “And what should I say--' Father, save me from this hour'? No, it is for this reason that I have come to this hour.  Father, glorify your name.” Jesus trusts, as he always does, in his Father, and knows that his death will accomplish God’s ultimate mission of salvation.  And Christ ends this impromptu sermon with a reference to his death.  He will draw all people to himself as he is lifted up.

This seems like a strange response to a request for a meeting, but listen again to their words, “we wish to see Jesus.”

Jesus, in his own mysterious way, is answering that request.  As Christians, we know Jesus through his miracles, his teachings, through the sacred art in our sanctuaries...but it is the Cross where we truly see Jesus.  To see Jesus is to see him on the Cross, to see his love poured out for all the world.  To see Jesus is to witness his death, his sufferings, and lament at the sin of the world weighing upon his shoulders.  Jesus is showing Philip and Andrew and the Greeks his own self--divine love overflowing in sacrifice for us.

The reading begins today with a request to see Jesus--and I think the Greeks request is our own.  We want to see Jesus, to know him.  That’s why we are here in church, right? And Jesus points us to the Cross.  God’s glory is fully revealed through the giving love of our Savior.

There is a mystery in death, one that we will all have to face one day or another.  And there is a special mystery in Christ’s death, that a meaningless  death of a prisoner executed on a cross would be the saving grace of the entire world.

I want to know why--why did Christ have to die? How did his death take away the sin of the world? How was he raised up to new life by the Holy Spirit? These are questions theologians have debated for millenia, but I think the truth of the matter is that Christ’s suffering and death are a holy mystery for us to contemplate each Lenten season.  Each year we have the chance to learn something new about that ultimate gift of salvation from the Cross.

Holy Week is coming fast.  This may be hard, but I pray that you may come to Holy Week as if it is your first time ever hearing the story of Jesus’ death.  I pray you take the time to meditate on this holy mystery--be it by joining us for worship services, reading the Bible at home, or praying to God as you enjoy a walk as the weather warms. 

Like the little child wailing on Good Friday, may we shed sacred tears for our Lord.  By letting our hearts break open with grief in Christ’s death, we open ourselves to the absolute joy of the Easter surprise, that gift of new life.

Be shocked by that Good News.  Be surprised.  Let it fill your hearts to overflowing with joy, for Christ’s hour of glory has come, and he has drawn us all to himself in eternal love.




For the Bishops, Synod Staff, our Conference Dean Jo Page, Pastor Dan, Pastor Samantha, Pastor Beth, Vicar Carolyn Lawrence, Seminarians, and Lay Leaders.   

For the families and friends of Mary Chambers, Larry Glander, Tracy Jensen.

We pray for all those who are affected by COVID-19 and especially for those serving in the COVID-19 front lines…Allison White, Ted Fiebke, Amy Fiebke, Justine Shultis LaValley, Jason Vernon, and Jared Frick. 

For those serving in the military: John Schatzle, Matt White, Aldan Race, Daniel Main, and Angela Silliman. 

For those in need of physical, mental, or spiritual healing: Louis Martino, Jo Ann Lowe, Douglas LeBrecht, Gena Davis, Barbara Slater, Bob S., Thomas Horan, Danny, Rob Gransfors,  Phyllis Keeler, Dan Main, Mary and Frank, Frank Strantz, Sr., Maggie, Monique F, Hans Serazio, Vickie Achenbach, Grace, Etta, Son and family of Sue H., Bill McCumber,  Carl Albertson, Michelle and Wally, Vincent Masa, Tari, Johnna, Tonya, Alicia, David and Family, Justin and Kim, Bridie G, Michelle, Lew Hotaling, Logan, Maria, Jodi, Emily, Sheila, Paula, Gloria LaCrosse, Bethany and family, Mary AnnPaul & family; Sue Haverly, Lorene Bowes, Sue Erickson, Michael Bump, Leslie, Holly, Kayla, Katie M., Josefine Payne, Joy, Nadine Davis, Emma Burnett, Michelle Majercsik, Barbara Ritrovato, Burma Cavanagh, Carmel Micalizzi , Mary Keefes, Season Hubley, Judy Paine, Bunny Otterbeck, Catherine, Cindy D., Jackie Bachman, Pat Brundage, Claus Marzahl, Arlene Zahn, Al Zahn, Margot Petersen, Sheri Patterson, Kyle Stickles, Bonnie Walsh, Ivan Morales, Jacob Race, Linda Taliaferro, Grace Balint, Karen Mc Neff, Sara Scott-Fluentes, Debbie Hammond, Christi Wright, Frank Ball, Doris Hatfield, Angela & Jake; Doris Smith, Barbara Slater, Lynn LaFave, Joy H., Ed Schomaker, Pat Kingsbury, Kayte Ware, Karen Schubert, Jim Trimmer, Bill Duke, Matt White, Dorothy Teeter, Richard Springstead, Tom Sanford, Adeline Carr, Mary Ann Hipwell, Xavier Schmidt, Nancy Lansing, Bob Bedell, Kirt, Tonya, the Pfrommer family, Jack Lyons, Millie Sparks, Lisa Freeman, Billy Freeman, Patty Westover, Pastor Paul Rees-Rohrbacher, Richard Fitzgerald, their caregivers, and our parish members who due to COVID19 are unable to attend In-Person worship




Sharon Smith

Palm Sunday Bulletin

The Passion of the Lord According to Saint Mark

Maundy Thursday Bulletin

Good Friday Bulletin